
About Us

We are one family joining countless other families interested in sustainable living, doing what we can with our little piece of the earth. Milo, Sherri and our son, Eli, live in Southwest Missouri, with our 2dogs, 2 cats, along with our ever growing and expanding flock of chickens and raised bed gardens. We are passionate about natural parenting, homeschooling, and natural living. Milo is a bodywork therapist and works for Nixall. Sherri is the Supervising Editor for and best selling author for Live Your Intentions, The Power of Action. Eli is all about Angry Bird and Hot Wheels  and is an outdoors enthusiast. Together, we create our little Peace of Earth.
Our journey began when I was pregnant with Eli. We decided to have a planned home birth. I'm SO GLAD we had him at home! We hope to have another baby and will plan to do another home birth. We also followed the Attachment Parenting philosophy, as well as Peaceful Parenting/Gentle Discipline.
As Eli approached starting solid foods, raised bed gardening really began to gain in popularity where we live. We joined in, adding raised beds and growing some of our own food. It felt good to eat food we grew and to be able to provide excellent nutrition for our growing son. Next, we added chickens- laying hens at first, then moving into raising meat chickens (and yes, processing them out ourselves). Then, as Eli approached preschool age, we decided to home school him. I love the freedom which comes with homeschooling. I'm really able to honor Eli and be a facilitator for his interests. While we do have some curriculum and outline, we're pretty relaxed. I see just as much value in going to the park with friends, throwing rocks in a creek, or laying outside watching the clouds as I do anything else we would do in homeschooling.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you decide to follow us on our journey, creating our own Peace of Earth.